Who can suggest an ethical SMTP provider for low volume transactional mail? I’m willing to pay up to 2€/month for a few hundred mails per month.
“Low volume” vs. “A few hundred mails per month”
OK, what of the above?
This is something you used to be able to do for free, no problem. It’s only a few of the big mail accepting companies being extra shitty about accepting mail making this tough. Looking at you Microsoft. So a few hundred mails per month is ridiculous both on storage, bandwidth and CPU consumption.
I know. I was there, before Sanford Wallace invented the email spam and forced any sane SMTP server into password protections and whitelists.
A few hundred a month is just a few per day. That is pretty low volume by most standards.
I would say in general if the SMTP server could be replaced by a single human writing and mailing snail-mail letters by hand it qualifies as low volume.