Canceled my sub as a means of protest. I used it for research and testing purposes and 20$ wasn’t that big of a deal. But I will not knowingly support this asshole if whatever his company produces isn’t going to benefit anyone other than him and his cronies. Voting with our wallets may be the very last vestige of freedom we have left, since money equals speech.
I hope he gets raped by an irate Roomba with a broomstick.
“Private Stabby reporting for duty!”
Good. If people would actually stop buying all the crap assholes are selling we might make some progress.
Whoa, slow down there bruv! Rape jokes aren’t ok - that Roomba can’t consent!
But I will not knowingly support this asshole if whatever his company produces isn’t going to benefit anyone other than him and his cronies.
I mean it was already not open-source, right?