That’s because Facebook is selling your data and access to advertise to you. The better AI gets across the board, the more money they make. AI isn’t the product, you are.
OpenAI makes money off selling AI to others. AI is the product, not you.
The fact facebook release more code, in this instance, isn’t a good thing. It’s a reminder how fucked we all are because they make so much off our personal data they can afford to give away literally BILLIONS of dollars in IP.
Facebook doesn’t sell your data, nor does Google. That’s a common misconception. They sell your attention. Advertisers can show ads to people based on some targeting criteria, but they never see any user data.
They may also sell the data.
I bet the NSA backdoor isn’t free.
Selling your data would be stupid, because they make money with the fact that they have data about you nobody else has. Selling it would completely break their business model.
Depends why they are selling it, to whom, and under what restrictions.
Yes, they don’t make the majority of their money from selling actual data, but that doesn’t mean they don’t do it.