Windows will no longer have an integrated basic rich-text-based word app.
Wordpad always seemed like an annoying and unnecessary half-step between notepad and word to me.
I liked having the minimal formatting options in WordPad without the bloat of Word.
Wordpad is also able to open large text files without having a stroke. RIP
In the nineties it produced the cleanest .rtf output of all the editors. Word makes toxic .rtf that unnecessarily turns formatting off and on at every line break and elsewhere too.
If it weren’t for wordpad I wouldn’t have learned how to output .rtf from my code.
RIP WordPad.
This is my most common use. It is grrat for opening large log files on servers.
The holy spirit help you with your servers that run on windows.
I’d also suppose this update won’t affect you, cuz you’re hopefully not running latest win11 on a server.
Lol. Good point!
I read that like you’re Tony the Tiger. “It is GRRRRRREAT for opening large log files.”
It was created for people to open Word docs at home before everyone had Office.
Rtf is far more lightweight than docx. It’s closer to markdown.
Best Windows built-in way to open files with Unix end lines.
Word is now so bloated that I fear using it. It’s nice to have Wordpad.
Ah. Are you trying to write about Theodore Roosevelt? Bing can help!
Here are 10,000 links to Theodore Roosevelt
The fox…
As if Clippy wasn’t doing that 25 years ago.
Yeah but Clippy was attractive. All those curves on display.
Now I had a mischievous long chuckle on the bus and the old ladies near me are a bit worried about me!
It was very niche, but it’s great for viewing docs or other light work on a system you don’t want to install a whole office suite onto.
You can still do that but it’s through word webview. Some people won’t like that option.
I don’t want to install “word webview” on a server in order to look at a large log file or peruse some XML.
You don’t, it’s a browser. You shouldn’t be doing anything interacting from a server anyways.
You shouldn’t be doing anything interacting from a server anyways.
Ideally no but in the real world it happens, especially with with Windows Servers.
Can’t say I ever needed it in the 28 years I’ve been using Windows. I’m sure there are plenty who did, though.
I used it all the time to save text temporarily in. Note worked too, but i like the line break that WordPad had. It made reading and formatting easier.
In other words: bloat
its pretty neat if you dont have access to word, which is likely why they want to get rid of it
Doubtful. There are a myriad of free and FOSS options that are available right now to people of even limited technological skill. WordPad isn’t damaging their bottom line, but since it’s certainly not adding to it, there’s no point in maintaining it.
Thing about wordpad at least for me is that its just there if you need to make quick document that doesnt have to be as specificially made as you need to use word, but still more nice looking than just using notepad. You also dont need word to read stuff made with it.
Sure, though it’s not something that anyone is likely to switch OSes for.
As others have said, fast opening quick notes with basic formatting.
For example, if I get an unexpected call I need to write down more than a call back number, Wordpad was my go to.
Well, at least when back when I used Windows regularly.
Microsoft’s business model has often gotten in the way of anything they do making sense.
Is there anything left to microsoft that makes sense at this point? Maybe the physical doors to the microsoft offices still function… after you watch an ad?