Built on unearned hype.
I cannot tell if you are being serious or just having fun with buzzwords
I stopped at block chain
Oh, I’m being completely serious. I’ve been interested in crypto since about 2013.
The solution to all the world’s computing issues is not “blockchain.”
crypto fizzled years ago without a major use case. source: check google trend history.
bitcoin wouldn’t be useful for tracking the rental of cpu/gpu assets.
Yeah, no Bitcoin would be the wrong chain for that. But there are other chains that would work better for such a use case.
how do you suppose?
Bitcoin is really too slow and too expensive for automated tasks like that. There are other chains such as Solana, etc that are much faster and much cheaper that would work better for that kind of use case.
There is no need to use Blockchain for this. Computing pools like this have been used for ages