qittorrent has a search function where you input and save the associated plug-in/address of the torrent site/feed you want and then you can just search within qbittorrent for whatever torrent you are looking for and select whatever you want for download without having to go to an website or another app/protocol.
Yes but does it have Dark Mode?
Yep, gottem… it does not have dark mode… but hold on here…
Do the ads on torrent sites adhere to dark mode standards?
Dark Reader extension turns all websites into dark mode whether they like it or not.
Do you have anything for the qbittorrent app on a Mac that would make it dark mode? Because last time I used it the app didn’t have a dark mode.
But what about the ads on the website, the site might be dark mode enabled but are the ads?
If you just install Linux on your Mac and have a dark Qt theme set, Qbittorrent will also be dark.
I thought we’d blocked ads already?
It does
It has custom user-made themes that are dark mode, so it probably has dozens of dark modes.
Using the rather fittingly named Dracula theme. Fantastic darkmode theme for qbittorrent