I wasn’t even aware of the lawsuit I live under a rock.
For any other rock dwellers: here’s the background.
Stratasys, the company that invented FDM 3D printing, is currently suing China-based Bambu Lab for patent infringement in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. The dispute is over ten U.S. patents covering technology now common place in desktop 3D printers, such as PEI coated build plates, purge towers and automatic bed leveling.
One other note, to my understanding (I am not American), the “U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas” is known for its corruption.
About 10 years old, but… https://www.techdirt.com/2015/08/18/why-patent-trolls-love-east-texas-why-congress-needs-to-fix-it/
Stratasys is suing there due to Bambu Lab having an office in Austin, TX