Among the most significant changes with this year’s Elements releases has little to do with new features but instead concerns the ways users purchase and own the software. While prior versions of Photoshop and Premiere Elements have been lifetime licenses — the user buys the software and then owns it indefinitely — this year’s release has moved to a three-year license term.

  • ThePowerOfGeek
    1756 months ago

    Fuck Adobe. They are the epitome of the greedy, toxic software company.

    I switched from Photoshop over to Krita last year. I’ve tried Gimp in the past, but just can’t adjust to the UI. Krita is different too, but not to the same degree. I’ve been enjoying it. It’s well-made and very powerful, with very good online support.

    • bean
      176 months ago

      Today I went to cancel the Adobe stock trial, and during this extensive cancellation process, they tried to score me on another package for a year, and when I checked, it didn’t include the product which I was fucking canceling… Which is just insane and ridiculous!

      Hey I’m canceling this product.

      Oh ok. You want to give us a bunch of money for more unrelated products?

      35 months ago

      GIMP 3.0 RC1 will come very soon (this month) & offers a lot of missing features users expect like adjustment layers (I’ve been waiting a decade for this).

      586 months ago

      Can recommend the Affinity suite for anyone looking for some good alternatives.

      Darktable is alright for LightRoom replacement as well.

        36 months ago

        How does the affinity suite work for surface pattern design? My girlfriend does that on the side and is super annoyed at Adobe, but pain/disability limits the time she can decide to it, so hasn’t had the energy to try that one yet.

        106 months ago

        it’s funny that affinity designer can parse PDFs much better than illustrator

            6 months ago

            edit: I just realized I’ve been gushing about affinity for a while. sorry you can just read the next two paragraphs if you just want what’s relevant to you and not “hey you know what else is cool about affinity?”

            yeah i haven’t used inkscape but designer 2.x blew my mind. I had a job recently to change the design of a flyer and my only source was a 2-page PDF. I opened it in illustrator and it just insisted on outlining all text from page 1 and keeping all text for page 2 but in different text objects for every line.

            tried it in affinity designer, I noticed there’s an option that says “Favor editable text over fidelity”. voila. both pages with selectable text in a single text box per column. if I don’t select the option it does the line by line separate text object thing but for both pages as well, so it’s still better than illustrator. idk why illustrator insists that the first page cannot possibly be interpreted as text.

            also corner rounding, offsetting paths and adding transparency gradients being nondestructive tools rather than the tedious and/or destructive methods in illustrator is enough for me to stick to affinity.

            the only things I’m missing is the repeat action command and the view bleeds toggle, which is mind blowing that it didn’t exist in designer. there are dumb workarounds but I don’t like that. also more controls over swatches would be nice, like why don’t they have folders…

            still, other than these maybe three things which are not deal breakers for me, I prefer affinity pretty close to 100% of the time now. it’s faster too, and being able to switch personas for most use cases rather than launching Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator at the same time is a godsend.

            they also innovated and came up with the patented new concept called Consistency™. apparently if you’re one company that publishes several pieces of software, you can just make it so the same exact tools work the same exact way across all your software. genius!

            meanwhile adobe doesn’t even have a standard drop shadow effect for all adobe products.

        236 months ago

        Swapped to the Affinity suite a few months ago and have been loving it. DaVinci Resolve replaced Premiere. Still having trouble finding a decent After Effects replacement though. I’ve been eyeing Natron but haven’t tried it yet.

            96 months ago

            To be honest, I never considered fusion to be the same thing. But I guess it is. Hmm. Thanks for that insight. I’m going to look into fusions features more.

          96 months ago

          Oh yeah resolve is great as well. Love how they all have iPad apps too, moved so much of my workflow to the couch.