My dad has 100 TB free drive storage due to being a non-profit club. I’m happy to fill that nearly to the brim with my encrypted backups. I doubt they’d ever think someone can really use that space, especially as a small non-profit, but considering daily full-disk backups of several hundres gigabytes … it’s gonna be easy. On the contrary, I’m happy to pay for my 1 TB Hetzner Storagebox. Because I know exactly where my data resides, I can ssh into the box and even use rsync (to some degree).
Just be careful with that, I think if the nonprofit ever got audited that kind of personal use of nonprofit resources isn’t really kosher…
We could argue it’s legit backups from everything involving it, and that’s kinda true as it also contains stuff for the club. Just all other files of my server too, which includes the backups of all my other devices.
You’ve made a compelling case against yourself.
In the end they won’t notice it. It’s just files named backup. No way for them to prove this isn’t only files for the club.