Apparently you did not get the memo, because you believe in something that didn’t exist in the first place.
BRB, gotta go find my “World’s Best” for absolute morons, but I can’t find that specific one. Just “Dipshit”, “Fucking Idiot”, and “Fucking Idiot Dipshit”.
I was referring to YOUR own relation of what you call “acab” (which is an acronym, not a group of people), to some larger group of people (which is not an acronym, and IS I assume a group of people).
You’re conflating some bullshit that doesn’t and never did exist because you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, but you heard from some dumb YouTuber or right-wing blog who also doesn’t know what the fuck they are talking about.
What part of “All Cops” and “Are Bad” do you think does not apply to the FBI ?