This is wrong, but I’m not going to waste my time on you.
It’s been proven to be right over and over and over again for literally centuries, across the entire world, to the point that you could set your watch to its inevitability. Any attempt you could possibly make the prove the contrary would be a waste of time for any person living down here on earth.
Fool blocked.
If you block everyone with common sense, you’re going to run out of people to talk to.
That’s the sad thing - they won’t; there’s idiots everywhere.
That’s just because you don’t have an argument to refute what I said.
The reason regulations exist is because of how horrible things were when they didn’t exist.
Edit: See. When pressed for an actual response they dipped out. All you have to do is look at the history of the US post industrial revolution to know that libertarianism is by far worse than our current system, and that’s saying a lot.
Fool blocked.