Thanks, this looks like what I was looking for. Unfortunately these install instructions also look complicated.
These instructions require a very basic understanding of the Linux command line and file system.
No tengo, but thanks.
As does installing a Linux OS without a GUI helper.
I don’t do that either.
Unfortunately these install instructions also look complicated.
If you read the instructions, it’s literally just downloading the binary, and using balenaEtcher to flash it onto the SD card.
To be fair. I get where they’re coming from. Some people simply don’t want to take the time to learn the Linux command line nor learn how to utilize the tool, balena etcher.
That said, if one says “Is there a way to simply install a Linux OS”, I usually assume said person has at least a passing familiarity with burning an ISO as that is the bare minimum knowledge for starting the Linux installation process.
Hence my assumption that they were familiar with said tools when they asked the question.
Did you think I decided the instructions were too complicated without reading them?