And when they start murdering people we bring down the wrath of God on them.
That’s the problem with Russia, you have to be nice, up to the point they cross the line, then you turn the doom music on.
We needed to start crushing their balls with a hydraulic press when they took Crimea, this is on us.
I mean, it probably would’ve been ideal then but as usual, America was recovering from/embroiled in the last Conservative disasters (financial crisis, Afghanistan/Iraq.) And Obama had just burned a lot of political capital giving people healthcare.
W annihilated our foreign policy, destroyed it completely.
And yeah, Obama burned everything on the aca and recovering the economy while fox News had mustard gate and tan suit gate and saluting a guy with a coffee cup gate.
His foreign policy was a mess, but at least he started the pivot away from the middle east back to meaningful places, but we really needed to deal with Russia then.
who is this “we” who can “bring down the wrath of god”?
If they try for Taiwan, the whole west, you know, the people who depend on Tsmc chips for literally everything.
We went to war over oil you better believe we’d mobilize to fuck for literally all our tech.
over oil against Iraq. And that’s a shame. Even back then “the whole west” wasn’t united behind that lie.
China isn’t Iraq.
Iran neither. Iraq was an artificial state. Iran is there in some form for more than 2 millennia. 3?
Russia is in Ukraine. Israel is, with the help of U.S. trying to start a war in “middle east”. Let’s say that China “try for Taiwan”, do you really think that the U.S. can “mobilize” effectively on all these fronts. And would Europe follow U.S.?
Another question would be, let’s say that Trump is the next president: What would that change about your world war 3 fantasies?
Not much actually.
Because the president only controls the country if they aren’t a complete fucking moron, otherwise it’s like his first term where literally everyone told him to go fuck himself. :)
It helps not being lead by inbred fucktards, as the history of Russia has eminently proven.
i’ve read your comment history.
Why do you need this much hate? Some of your comments are ignorant and most are reeking of bigotry.
I have ukrainian friends. I worked with them in 2022.
And I saw the pain in their eyes while Russia was being invaded.
It’s not hate, it’s unbridled rage.
I literally worked on US military drone technology while Ukraine was being invaded, and I can only pray it helped kill Russians. Take this as a point of personal pride as an engineer.
The moment the last Russian has left Ukraine I promise I will resign my anger, even feel compassion, but until then, more Russian blood is only a good thing, it’s the only language they speak.
BTW, I had Russian friends too. I cared for them. But they supported the war, so that’s that.
Oh, I’ve read dostoevsky and tolstoy, dostoevsky is personally the greatest writer in history and it’s not even close.
And he would watch what’s happening in Ukraine and agree that Russians are complete, worthless morons, it’s basically half of what he wrote. He just saw beauty in the tragedy.