Chrome was also shoved down user’s throats by being bundled with all kinds of software. When you downloaded programs from places like SourceForge, Softonic and similar, your download (when you installed it) had “Install Chrome Browser” already checked. If you forgot to uncheck the box, you ended up having to uninstall Chrome. It was the most annoying thing ever.
Huh, weirdly I don’t remember that. I remember having to uncheck a whole bunch of check boxes for browser extensions, toolbars, WinZip pro, etc. But I didn’t remember that chrome was one of those. I’m sure you’re right though.
I don’t think chrome was on sourceforge’s list-of-malware they stuffed everything in, but it was bundled with a lot of legitimate software.
Google bought a lot of their marketshare, and did so with any method that resulted in an install, including bundled installer crap.
I always assumed it said chrome but was just a virus so I was always super paranoid when installing things