Irritating. I’m trying to extricate myself from Google entirely, but in the meantime I’ve used uBlock Origin to block the notification.
Whatcha usin for email?
There’s alot of good options (prices are for the base/cheapest premium plan plan) :
- Tutanota
- 3€/m billed yearly
- Protonmail
- $4/m billed yearly
- 1€/m billed yearly
- 1€/m billed yearly
- Fastmail
- $3/m billed yearly
- Runbox
- $1.66/m billed yearly ($19.95)
All are good options, do your own research though.
protonmail operates on a fremium service, you don’t have to pay. I highly recommend the paid options though… and if you happen to have a webdomain, they’ll manage an email server for you (which is a pain in the ass… and totally worth it. They do a good job.)
I mentioned in my comment that the prices were based off the cheapest “premium” plan. If I were to include freemium, tutanota, and others would also be free.
Hm, really? I might have to look at that. I’d love my own email domain
not trying to shill for them, but, the ‘support for custom domains’- if you have a domain already, you can use that instead of theirs. and because they manage it… it stay up to date etc. They’re far from the only people that provide that service, mind you.
I would like to use my domain for that, but was always wondering if I could do that while using my domain and other non mail subdomains on another server
Yes an MX dns entry only applies to email, you can have other entries (A, AAAA) for a normal server.
So I would add a MX entry and set it to the ip of the Proton Mail Server?
Yes, the extra details are documented here
Cool, thanks
- Tutanota
I like proton. It’s nice to use and I was quick enough to have
Proton. Completely satisfied with it. Highly recommend.
Proton mail is a good option
With what rule? I looked and it didn’t seem like there was a good way to target it.
Should be able to click and block it in the Element Picker mode.
Right click, block element.
For most cases that works fine, but it looks like the xpath uses generated identifiers, so any time they push a change to the Gmail UI the rule won’t match any more.
Can you go up a level and block more vaguely?
No, same issue with the parent elements. Eventually you’d be blocking too widely and block the whole thing.