The military had a similar problem with fitness apps for a while.
I used this exact thing as a teaching aid when I taught the ROTC opsec lesson. Also scared a couple kids pale when I told them Snapchat keeps a 6-month record of everything you send
Only 6 months? Honestly I’m surprised it’s so short of time frame.
I guess to be more specific, you can request 6 months of your data
Ah that makes more sense
They probably horde that data like a Dragon hordes gold
The NSA has entire datacenters just to store your data.
Never know what might come in handy.
Also scared a couple kids pale when I told them Snapchat keeps a 6-month record of everything you send
Dick pics never get wiped 🐸
That app probably
Some science magazines guessed something big was going on when many of their subscribers changed the delivery address to New Mexico.
They were working on the Manhattan Project.
Unlike this, fitness apps don’t require external connectivity or computing resources not satisfied by today’s handheld devices.