North Korea did this already. I expect that Russia’s effort will be as good if not better. Bonus comedy points if they use NK’s effort as a starting point.
But I wouldn’t try to use it if my Internet location was outside Russia. Or maybe even if it wasn’t.
Also: something something falling out something something Windows.
It might be interesting to set up a Russia Linux box as a honeypot.
I imagine Russia will do far better because they are not completely isolated from the rest of the world like North Korea.
And they have a much more literate and especially tech literate population. And way more money than NK.
Somebody once was showing me a modified version of Windows XP and I’m sure it was a North Korean version. But I can’t find it now.
Could it be like this? ISO
I’m not gonna use this shit regardless. Even if it remains the only option for an OS in Russia, I’m gonna fucking smuggle a proper Linux distro in.
In before you’re going to need a telemetry spoofer in order not to attract attention. On the other hand, it takes an extraordinary amount of government paranoia before they start going after random citizens.