Honestly, the mouse charger screams marketing or management. Apple’s brand is partially form over function.
It was very likely a designers decision. It forces the use the use case they wanted; wireless mice should be used wirelessly. I would bet they fought marketing and management to get this on the final product.
Marketing would want the mouse they can advertise as being useable with and wireless. Female ports are easier to mount and manufacture with they have depth to set the socket. So a plug on the front is much cheaper and easier to manufacture.
The fact the charging cable doesn’t get used in motion means it will last longer and you wouldn’t have people useing fraying cables on the front of their mouse.
PARTIALLY!? The Vision shipped without a lens cover. It did ship with a cover for the outside face.
What marketing genius uses a mouse upside down.
It’s better for display
Users aren’t trying before they buy so the display is the most important aspect
Users aren’t trying before they buy so the display is the most important aspect
Trying before you buy is literally the entire point of the apple store
How often have you tried charging while there?
What software do they let you load?
When I check out a device in the store I definitely pick it up, hold it, turn it over, and generally look at every part of it. Things like a charging port on the bottom would probably stick out…
Or like in this case, with the power button on the bottom, I’d definitely notice that as annoying.
What software do they let you load?
Basically anything you want, they don’t tend to watch you at the apple store, unless you seem like you actually want to buy something. They want you to mess around with the machines, so I’ve never seen them password protected in any way, you have admin access.
I’ve never seen them password protected in any way, you have admin access.
This is 100% untrue.
Policy may have changed…
It has been this way since the first Apple Store opened…
I’m confused about why you felt the need to make it up. Such a weird lie.