This is just Material Design a set of design principles and components by Google for developers to use.
Material Design is an adaptable system of guidelines, components, and tools that support the best practices of user interface design. Backed by open-source code, Material Design streamlines collaboration between designers and developers, and helps teams quickly build beautiful products.
Idk the layout and available options in the first few screens are way too close, this isn’t just stylistic similarity
The layout is like, the most important part of material design.
But not the options in them. Look at the first screenshot, the options available and their position on screen are identical to a T, “add to favourites”, “download”, more options next to the album art, followed by a play and shuffle button, followed by the playlist, followed by 3 tabs, a home, search/explore, and my music tab. This isn’t just “card with heading and options next to it” close
Edit: and no, it’s very much the visual style that differentiates material design from everything else lol, like it has components available on sure but they’re just basic components, cards, buttons, etc. not full screens.
Even Google doesn’t follow their own design guidelines.
Nobody has to follow any guidelines, that’s why they’re named that.