Got any recommendations?
Startpage if you like Google, DuckDuckGo if you like Bing.
I started paying for Kagi. Works like Google in 2019. Fast, useful and customizable. One of the best features is hiding results from shit sites like Reddit, which blocks me for using a VPN. $10 well spent just to have that option.
I’ve found the $5 a month tier to be just about right. There have been a few months I’ve gone over, but they make that super easy to deal with: they just change the subscription renewal date and you start your next month a few days early.
One of the best features is hiding results from shit sites
I do that with the Firefox plugin “Block or Highlight Search Engine Results” from pistom (on github).
Upside: I can see what was hidden in case I need that and it really helps with visibility.It is the best on the market but unfortunately they just use Google underneath plus their own blog index. And at least to me it seems it isn’t going in a better direction.
why would you block reddit results? it’s often useful (at least when related to tech, possibly other topics too). I would recommend to install libredirect instead, which redirects reddit to a libreddit/redlib frontend
I believe what he is saying is that he can’t load Reddit results because Reddit blocks his VPN, so blocking Reddit from search results is useful to him
oh, you’re right. still, my advice should be able to solve that
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I don’t know if Bing’s search results are better than Google’s.
They all suck.
Using duck duck go is pretty good for me, if I go to, My results are horrible. Of course it’s the same result set, but I expect I’m getting less algorithmic shuffling on DuckDuckGo.
for me it’s much better. I don’t think they directly use Bing search by the way, just their index. the algorithm should be theirs if I’m not wrong.
Gotta say, Kagi has been great. It’s helped me a lot in work just by Being able to prioritise search Results and rank certain sites higher
so much this. its summary option also lets me avoid any ad infested page. also great for searching videos and relevant stack overflow results.
Kagi has an AI search option which IIRC is on by default – or at least was at one point – where it’ll try to also synthesize an answer and stick it in a box with the results, but you can just turn it off in your preferences. I have it off.
There may be a day when we have AI assistants that are so good that their summaries are better than looking at the original source, but I’d put a high bar on that, and think that we’ve got a way to go.
It’s off by default, but activated when you end your search query with a question mark. That option can be turned off.