Truthfully, if anyone can give an independent first hand report about the treatment of Uyghurs in China (that is not coming from propaganda vehicles like the Victims of Communism Foundation), I would be most interested.
No, I am not saying this in rebuttal to anything.
You mean something like the UN Human Rights Office report that concluded “China responsible for ‘serious human rights violations’ in Xinjiang province”?
Yes. Though serious human rights violations are not the same as genocide and concentrations camps, as both the above poster and Victims of Communism Foundation wants us to believe.
That means in no way that those violations are acceptable.
“allegations of patterns of torture, or ill-treatment, including forced medical treatment and adverse conditions of detention, are credible, as are allegations of individual incidents of sexual and gender-based violence.”
And this is from what China let them see.
Individual incidents of sexual and gender-based violence are horrible, but not nearly the same as sexual violence employed on scale through genocidal concentration camps, which is claimed by US propaganda machines. Individual incidents of sexual violence unfortunately happen everywhere, and pretending otherwise is wilful ignorance of an endemic problem for the purpose of, what I have to assume is, an underlying agenda. Stop moving the goal post and stop using reductive argumentation to score cheap shots at China. If China really is as bad as claimed, which I am not categorically refuting, then make the proper case for it.
Any case you’ll say it’s not first hand and therefore invalid.
You also seem to have narrow attention span. Seems the bit about torture, forced medical treatments, detention… Somehow eluded you. You saw the word “individual” and held to that like a Chinese state doctor holds a healthy kidney.
But that happens everywhere, am I right?
Yet here you are, taking about some hypothetical “US propaganda machine”, without making s proper case for it.
This brand of deflection, “well, I’m not denying, but we can’t say for certain, and actually everywhere there are issues” isn’t new nor very effective. You might need to update your training data, give it a few more cycles. At least don’t throw it back to back in the conversion, jus much more noticeable that way.
And, likewise, the UN stating that serious human rights violations occurred is not the same as them all saying they aren’t committing genocide
No, but I am not the one making statements. I only asked for sources that supported those made by others.
So now you know it’s real.
If you say so, daddy 🤠
Sorry, I don’t flirt with Wumao