The common people are the ones who overthrow the dictator eventually
Iraq Afghanistan North Korea
Anywhere in the modern era basically
So only 3-4 left to go :-)
But letting the dictator free reign is even worse, look at how many people putin has killed in the unnecessary agression of Ukraine. That’s not some slight “suffering”, that’s death and everything that comes with it for the families left behind.
That happens relatively rarely. Remember the protests in recent years in Thailand, Hong Kong, Iran? They went exactly nowhere.
It could have worked. It was worth trying
But not if the pressure is mostly coming from the external. Or worse if we look at Egypt, where now an even worse dictator than Mubarak rules, after the Egyptians have elected people the West didn’t like, and getting couped quickly.
TF you on? Just because there weren’t immediate, drastic regime level changes doesn’t mean they went “exactly nowhere”.
There have been many changes at smaller levels not being reported in mainstream western media. Public pressure called for MANY local officials to step down along with changes in law that have already started effecting everyday life, and at least in Thailand, some pretty major changes in how public officials are held accountable via more expansive auditing channels, thereby increasing transparency.
Not everything is a fucking hollywood movie wherein you have some Hunger Games style uprising against the elite.
In fact, it’s fucking insulting hearing people who haven’t an ounce of global exposure beyond whatever 2 or 3 media sources they shove their heads into saying “those protesters got nothing accomplished”.
Never let anyone tell you protesting doesn’t work.
Absolutely nothing happened in Iran. The morality police was given some practice in beating up teenagers and young adults for a couple of months, but the protests went exactly nowhere.
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Do you have family in Iran? Cousins? Uncles? Anything?