The screenshot is from my prowlarr history. It sometimes takes forever and is wasting my bandwidth and potentially counting more towards request limits (not sure if there are any atm, but there could be). Can somebody please help me disable this “feature”? I have searched without success.
Wow, thank you so much!!
I spent quite some time on this and gave up frustrated…Last few years i had to completely redo my setup (migrated to proxmox) but i got to do it slowly and methodically. I got to know a lot of the arr stack very well and with some really good proper tweaking you can get an almost 100% automatic, no user interaction required setup.
Yeah, I’m already very happy with my setup
Even my wife can use it with apps and so onSo, the only thing was the language stuff.
If that really fixes it, I’m more than satisfied :-)
I mean i have no idea how to stop Prowlarr from processing shit it doesn’t need to like extra languages. This is a work around that can also be used to weight other shit so i figured it would be a good share.