Go read your own comments. You equated them.
Having a beer is not the same as raping a 4 year old.
If I equated them it should easy to quote where I did, that’s the last I’ll say on the matter until you quote it.
I told you when you did.
No you didn’t because I didn’t, quote it
It’s been in all of your comments where you brought it up. You know you said it.
I didn’t and you know I didn’t that’s why you’re not quoting it
You equated them multiple times. You know you did.
Stop defending raping children you nonce.
I didn’t, quote where I did, you’re trolling for no reason to just not admit to being wrong
You’ve done it every comment where you compared them, as if they’re equal.
You’re either a troll or someone I would not be comfortable having my kids around.