And a 55 inch touch screen. So stupid. Make simple efficient EVs and you’ll sell millions.
Market says otherwise. Automakers aren’t eliminating compact and sub compact models because they sell a ton of them.
They don’t make them, how can you seek what you don’t make? They purposefully made less of them and said no one bought them so we’ll keep making giant (expensive) SUVs instead, plus those are easier to make due to the more lenient rules on large “utility” vehicle emissions
Your assertion is that they stopped making models that were successful in order to force people to buy models that would otherwise not be popular?
You know this sounds crazy, right?
The forced people to buy models that could pass emissions regulations easier, which meant less r&d for few models that didn’t get much change, and they happened to be able to charge more due to size as well. Win/win/win for everyone other than all the dead kids that got ran over because Karen’s and Kyle’s can’t see past the football field of a hood and the grill is 5.5 feet tall
US vehicle size is currently driven by broken EPA rules regarding emissions per wheelbase which strongly encourages larger vehicles. It seems to be affecting EVs as well, but not sure why.
Someone at GM finally realized this and un-canceled the Bolt. Still waiting for VW to wake up and ship the ID3 in North America.
I don’t think VW, or any German Car brand for that matter, really wants to sell small (electric) vehicles anymore.
VW desperately wants to cancel the Up! in Europe in favour of SUVs, BMW cancelled the i3 a long time ago and only introduced either EV land yachts or giant EV SUVs since then. Mercedes just launched a new Smart EV (which is actually a Geely) but it’s not exactly small.
I want the EV equivalent of a 1983 GTI: Practical, fun, cheap, simple