That’s all.

EDIT: Thank you all for detailing your experience with, and hatred for, this miserable product. Your display of solidarity is inspiring. Now, say it with me:

Fuck Microsoft

    34 months ago

    I went from teams/ms at another business to google at my current one. If they changed to Microsoft anything I’d burn the place down.

      14 months ago

      I went from outlook and office to Google suite (Gmail and Google docs). So, so much better. Maybe excel has more bells and whistles, but Google docs has everything I need and works so well everywhere. I would consider quitting if they dared to change to Microsoft.

      Regarding communication, we use Slack for text and zoom for video, and it’s fine. I also have installed teams and Webex (for customers) and they are all okay-ish. Once I used bluejeans and audio quality was impressively better, but no one seems ot use it.