The “pseudo” federated platform. If it flops they will just tell everyone “federation s*cks” but BlueSky isnt federated at all
Please don’t swear on the internet.
My day is no longer fine
“Sucks” isn’t even a swearword! Are we j*st going to st*rt censoring normal w*rds now?
That’d be fuck*ng stupid.
Or perhaps fucking st*pid
H*y, fuck y*u p*l, m* k*ds ar* *n h*re.
Holy fuck dude censor th*t fucking shit.
I think sarcasm is dead.
… and we killed him.
Ple*se stop.
Then federate it.
You are probably right here in how news agencies and other competing sites would/might phrase it if BlueSky fails.
Though what bugs me and logically does not make sense (to me) is saying federation is what caused or could cause a site or service to fail.
Its like saying my new shinny website failed because of the Internet, the Internet must then be the problem.
Yeah i have the same feeling about it, but its like that buzzword AI. If AI company fails its always the “AI” but no one understood what AI did in that project.
Guarantee 99% of bluesky users have no idea what federation is
Most internet users have no idea what it is.
Nor would they care if they knew about it.