You can fit lots of modern hardware inside—and prop your monitor on top.
If they’re removable, could just put actual floppy drives in.
EDIT: Oh, they’re flip-down drawer covers rather than fixed panels. Well, still might be removable.
A drawer option would’ve been sweet. I love my 5.25" drawer. Perfect for flash drives, dongles, extra screws, little screwdriver, or a hiding spot almost nobody would know is there.
I mean even if you could remove them, the problem is that beige is not always the same beige: same problem you had 30 years ago.
The colors would never, at any point, remotely match the rest of the beige, and it’d be nice if a premium product that exists only for the aesthetics, would have just you know, done that last itty bitty little thing so it’d look right (from at least a distance) and be color matched.
Honestly the mismatching beiges just make it even more period correct. At least from how I remember them
Right??? Also you need a 13 inch monogrome green screen. Like the original game boy…except giant.
…what? 13 inches WAS giant back then.
I think big was 17 inches, but they were like 24 deep and 50lbs.
Everything is removable with the right tools
All I have is a hammer. I was told in the early 90s that it’s Hammer time. I was never told of a ceasing of it being Hammer time.
No no no, it is in fact still hammer time, but there are 26 main types of hammer and countless subtypes