Hey good selfhosters!

Here is a quick 12-question survey to nominate/announce what people find the most worthy projects of 2024. Feel free to submit your answers only takes 2-3 mins to fill out :)

The survey aims to find folks favorite projects within the following categories:

  • Best Self-Hosted App of the Year
  • Best Text Editor of the Year
  • Best Linux Desktop Distro of the Year
  • Best Desktop Environment
  • Best Shell of 2024
  • Best Power CLI Tool of 2024
  • Best Linux Hardware of the Year
  • Best F-Droid / Obtainium App / Free App
  • Best Open Source Project
  • Best Newcomer Project

Go Vote!

This is a yearly survey hosted by Jupterbroadcasting folks, LinuxUnplugged in specific.

    • JustEnoughDucks
      4 months ago

      Not OP, but maybe because it is a survey from a Linux group and discord has treated Linux like 2nd class citizens since 2015 and they don’t give a flying fuck about making the experience as good on Linux as windows. It is an afterthought.

      And it is not like they did anything special at all this year to warrant a “of the year” award. Discord has been out for almost a decade. That is like saying windows is OS of the year when they have done almost nothing but bad decisions this year and the OS is already been out for a long time.