I’m just not interested in hearing what bullshit FAANG is up to, I want to talk about linux kernel patches and raspberry pi revisions and maybe hear what people other than grifters are doing with neural networks.
Do you know if they have any plan to stop requiring invites? I’ve been interested for many years, but the invite system rubs me the wrong way.
I don’t think so. It’s probably what keeps it small and more personal. There is also the notion of responsibility: if a person I invite causes trouble, it’s potentially on me. Maybe not on the first infraction, but if one invites 20 spammers/cryptobros/venturecapitalists, it’s reasonable to block the inviter too.
I’m not arguing one way or another (that’s not my decision anyway), but I can understand why they do this.
There’s a mastodon bot… but it’s one-way of course.