They’ve appropriated it to mean what political correctness meant in the 90s.
They’re using it to shift accountability for the bile they spew from them to the accuser.
It’s basically like the euphemism treadmill. The words they keep using will eventually lose its power so then they move on to the next thing.
Like Political Correctness was replaced with Politics as in “Keep politics (aka non-whites and women) out of my vidyagames” then Politics became Woke.
We don’t say “woke” as a weapon to shame you. We say “woke” to refer to the thing. The word will only stop “working” if we can no longer use it to mean what we mean when we say it.
It’s not like some kind of drug there’s going to be a tolerance buildup, or a weapon that runs out of ammo. The way we use words — to communicate by referring to things — isn’t something that “stops working” over time.