Don’t get me wrong, fuck google, but how much can we blame google for SEO? That’s just people gaming the system, and they’d be doing it no matter how google presented their results.
Maybe there is a whole cooperation aspect that I’m not aware of.
They can only game the system because Google made a system like that possible and has never done anything to combat the gaming of it.
Right, but we know how people are (look at torrenting, piracy, drm, etc.), and people would figure out ways to gamify it no matter what, I believe. But you are correct that they don’t seem to necessarily have any interest in stopping it. Because of course not, it’s all about the bottom line.
Come on man I don’t like google either, but SEO exploitation has been a cat and mouse game since search engines were invented. They’re all varying levels of suck the last few years. It’s not an easy problem to solve, and AI has made it far more difficult.
Google did a rollback of anti-SEO indexing features because the intention is that users issue more searches. Ever since the ads side of the business won the war for the soul of Google the experience has gotten worse on purpose.