The commenter’s critique reflects a broader frustration with the state of journalism and society, but it may oversimplify the challenges journalists face. While it is fair to hold journalists accountable for the choices they make, it is also important to recognize the systemic nature of the problem. Addressing issues like the centralization of digital public spaces and the concentration of power in the hands of tech billionaires requires more than individual action—it calls for collective awareness, interdisciplinary collaboration, and structural reform.
I have an even shorter summary. The viewership are on bluesky, and not on Mastodon, so that’s where the journalists must go, end of mystery. No evil conspiracy required.
What kind of journalist just follows the herd? Haven’t they learned from Twitter that their participation in the platform, is what enpowers it. And if they can’t put that to good use, what good are they as journalists? Just slaugtherhouse hypemen? As if we needed anymore of those??
Missed a few points for not using: in summation lmao