Depends what you use it for.
I joined Facebook when it first came out, when it was still only for Uni students, used it for many years and stopped probably about 8-10 years ago now. Fuck, how long has it been around for?
Anyway, I’ve recently rediscovered Facebook as I bought an old muscle car and I’ve been enjoying the groups and marketplace for parts.
Anyway, just a thought from an old Facebook user.
Agreed. Much of my family is on it, and most of them live in other countries. My brother, who is ASD, prefers to communicate with it rather than text or phone, and I live at least an hour’s drive from any friends. I use it to talk to them and I have joined a handful of groups, most of which I don’t post in, I just lurk.
I also tell them I don’t want to see any ads of any type of thing except the narrow number of things I don’t give a shit about if I see an ad for. Lots of telling them “I don’t want to see ads of this type” for a while, but it’s not anywhere near as bad now.
I did discover recently that if you go to “feeds” rather than just look at the main scroll, you see a lot less bullshit.
Is facebook marketplace competing with Craigslist or is Craigslist dead?
At least where I’m at, Craigslist is absolutely dead. Marketplace actually has consistent new listings.
Sorta rough facebook is the avenue for that nowadays. Sorta like if public libraries were located inside walmarts or something.
Yeaaaaah I hate it.
I just use it to find shitty $50 flat screen televisions when the next one dies. Works a treat.
My mom literally broke the living room TV, and I brought one home that afternoon from some dude in a parking lot.
The future has its ups.