And you’re the
“Lemmy Jordanlund”
"COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT "So what, who cares? The guy will need help regardless of if he’s guilty or not.
He needs help, he doesn’t need crowdsourcing to pay for it. :)
If you want to crowdfund someone, donate to somebody who got denied by the insurance company.
Go for it. Who have you donated to that’s gotten denied by an insurance company?
My wife… She got an infection which required a toe amputation before the the infection could turn septic, enter her bloodstream, and kill her.
First Aetna tried to claim the surgery was not medically necessary (really? Where’s your medical degree?) then they tried to claim our in-network hospital wasn’t covered because they used an out of network surgeon.
Sound familiar?
Paid the bill then continued to fight with Aetna for a full calendar year before they went “Oh, hey, you’re right…” and refunded me.