its because people dont understand why they dont need some specs. e.g the pupose of a very high brightness is if you often use your phone in a very bright area. the ads just dont tell users that and only just the value. if the brightness of your current phone is fine, then brightness should no longer be a valueable spec past what your current screen has.
same situation with performamce as users dont really know what kind of performance they need.
We’ve had more than enough performance for 99% of our applications for over a decade.
But when hardware gets faster, developers get lazier and software gets slower.My old iPhone 4 ran great on iOS 5, but after updating to iOS 7, it couldn’t even show the keyboard without stuttering.
And honestly, brightness is a bad thing for me because I know I’m going to accidentally hit that slider in a dark room and blind myself (esp. since I use NewPipe’s brightness swipe thing).