TP-link is reportedly being investigated over national security concerns linked to vulnerabilities in its very popular routers.
Does someone have an article that isn’t biased one way or the other
We’re literally inside an imperial core.
that gives a list of effected routers ?
If there was a list of effected routers, TP-Link would most likely have patched them.
Most likely old routers still sold on Amazon instead of the latest WiFi 7 models on the website~
Why would you assume that? They probably all use the same base.
TP-Link is popular because of their cheap options while easy-to-setup for average joe families.
Right, but I’m not seeing a reason that only the older routers would have these vulnerabilities. I’m guessing the base OS for all of them is quite similar.
Well, they also don’t offer more than 2 updates on their proprietary software… so you can just categorise them as vintage or out of service like Apple especially for even older hardware that’s $20 or less like Tenda which is also another Chinese brand.