“AI, how do I do <obscure thing> in <complex programming framework>”
“Here is some <language> code. Please fix any errors: <paste code here>”
These save me hours of work on a regular basis and I don’t even use the paid tier of ChatGPT for it. Especially the first one because I used to read half the documentation to answer that question. Results are accurate 80% of the time, and the other 20% is close enough that I can fix it in a few minutes. I’m not in an obscure AI related field, any programmer can benefit from stuff like this.
This is literally the only field in which anyone says it’s helpful, and I have made effort to reach out to users to see if it’s really helping. And even then, about half the programmers I’ve talked to about it (out of maybe a dozen) say that it’s either useless for their particular field of coding, or extremely hit-or-miss, it’s more like a quick dice-roll to see if the thing gives them something useful.