The only people who make money on Spotify is Spotify. Support artists directly if you want them to continue to create.
Is there a streaming model that better supports artists, has a large catalog of music, and is reasonably affordable?
Apple Music pays over double per stream to artists and is better quality audio than Spotify.
The best thing you can do for artists is pirate everything (cutting out Spotify etc), and purchase an album a month from a band/artist you actually want to support. Buy direct for the artist, or Bandcamp (especially on Bandcamp Fridays)
Also merch and concerts, if this fits you.
All of the above, ideally.
I’m pretty sure Tidal pays artists better than Spotify or Apple Music.
2 x 0 at least
From what I recall it’s better but not much better. They also shilled for their snake oil MQA format but thankfully they are moving away from that.