If it’s unified under the federal government, then an asshole president can mess with it.
If it’s distributed, with states and major cities having their own instances, then it’s more asshole-resistant.
The city government spinning up its own instance makes sense. You could then have accounts for the various departments, transit, road and highway, parks and rec, the library, the mayor’s office…
“Asshole resistant” sounds like marketing terms used to advertise a dildo to a community that enjoys consentual non-consent.
Like they want a dildo that doesn’t go into assholes easily.
Why would we ever elect an asshole president though?
America elected Andrew Jackson and we learned our lesson. /s
People voted for him because he was a war hero and said fuck the banks. As a result, when he was elected he paid off the national debt. I don’t mean he didn’t run a deficit, he paid off the entire balance.
If you think Trump is comparable, just look at the deficit he left us
Meanwhile, he also held degenerate parties at the WH (actually pretty cool) and committed horrible wholesale atrocities against native Americans (very not cool).
And yet, rated as an above average president by historians. Trump is somewhere at the bottom of the pile
Not native historians lol