So everyone is gonna sound like mice when they get crushed under the weight of the ocean?
Hmm… maybe not? The low density of helium at 1 atm is what causes the amplification of higher frequencies in the voicebox, but in a pressurized container the gas would be higher density so it might offset the effect… I think?
If the original SeaLab tests in the 60s were any indication, YES. Check out Scott Carpenter’s voice on this recording with LBJ.
Love the horribly confused operator trying to fix problems with her equipment before putting the call through to the president.
Apparently when doing saturation diving like that you can’t even understand what the other person says, between the helium and the pressure the voice is too distorted to be intelligible.
You can communicate with a computer that transforms your voice to be intelligible but it is really not a pleasant conversation so you can stay there for weeks without having a conversation except for the bare minimum.