I’m talking about Senator Mitt Romney, as in the guy that voted to impeach Trump over Jan 6. He changed quite a bit after losing the 2012 election. In fact, there are a lot of people in Utah that think he’s a RINO, yet he didn’t waver whatsoever in that conviction. He wasn’t the best congressman ever, but he had integrity over that term and was way better than the man he replaced and his partner (Mike Lee) in the Senate.
Ahh. So just Trump Derangement Syndrome. Forgiving these crooks for any and all crimes, so long as they oppose Trump. Madness.
We’re talking about being bought (i.e. integrity), not the quality of their positions. Mitt Romney couldn’t be bought IMO, at least as Senator, he was rich going in and only seemed to want to run because he disliked how corrupt the previous Senator was.
Ahh. So he was serving his own interests, not those of people who bought him, and this is an improvement?
Eh, I think he did a reasonable job of serving his constituents’ stated interests, which is pretty much what you’d expect a Senator to do (but rarely happens). Utah wasn’t particularly happy about him opposing Trump, but he was clear about that when he ran. He did a good job sticking to what he said he’d do, which is what I want from a representative.
That said, he didn’t prioritize issues I care about, but I’m also not part of his party.