Attorneys Warn Biden’s Support for Israeli Assault on Gaza Could Make Him Complicit in Genocide
Lots of coulds and cans. They ARE complicit, but until someone gets persecuted under someone’s laws, this isn’t a CRIME.
This seems like a reading comprehension issue on your part, for some reason you are conflating morally wrong and criminal.
The article is from 2023. Would you like some updated articles about his legal complicity? I can provide.
You don’t understand the difference between a ‘charge’ and a ‘crime.’ Whether or not you’ve been charged with committing it yet, you can still commit a crime. It’s just a violation of the law.
Biden has committed a crime in violation of both international & domestic laws. He just hasn’t been charged yet.
Still, that you think it’s a meaningful distinction to separate moral & legal crimes says a lot about you and your agenda. Do you allow those in the political party you oppose to make the same distinction?
It eludes to criminal culpability, but doesn’t point out who would actually be charged, or with what crime, or what authority would be persecuting. You’re using ambiguity to further your narrative.
Maybe get your ducks in a row on some facts, and then you’ll actually be able to hold warmongers accountable.
Spouting nonsense about criminality does nothing for the innocent dead, and does nothing to prevent deaths by these people.
Look at some statistics about incarceration in the US. Personal possession of plants has people in jail. There’s absolutely a difference between crimes and morals, you aren’t going to get justice conflating them.
You should contact these legal experts to let them know your theories on criminal law. Come back here, and post the replies you get. Should be entertaining.
Right, the people that could prosecute said, no.
If you want to equate him with a twice impeached, convictions pending racist, you’re going to have to work harder than that.
Oh man. You also didn’t know Biden’s racist?
I’m sure whatever criticisms you have, we could say the other guy is N+1 worse, not the same.
In this case, one of them was racist 47 years ago. I wonder how recently the other one was…
Biden just participated in genocide against Palestine. Genocide is max racism. He’s been a massive racist the entire time in between, and his record shows it.
But Trump will be killing Arabs by the end of the month.
Reductive and disgusting. Are you paid to post this garbage or are you just that gross?