This is awesome! For only $450 you can get a machine that can automatically swap battery packs placed on bulky $120 phone cases.

You don’t need to plug a cable in your phone anymore, your over engineered machine can swap battery packs for you

I never imagined that I would live this long to see the future

      22 months ago

      They failed to consider that you can’t squeeze blades. Maybe they should’ve added some to their bags as juice DRM

      2 months ago

      Merkur 23C, btw, in case anyone is looking for a safety razor that’s both inexpensive and very good. Unchanged for literally a century now, no fancy materials (“aerospace-grade aluminium”) but good ole chromed zinc and brass. On the blade side, Russians being out of the picture, BIC is probably the right choice unlike other western brands they didn’t slouch on quality. Feather is always an option but many consider them too sharp. Also, more expensive. BICs should be somewhere around 15ct a piece. Don’t buy anything of that stuff from Wilkinson or such their offerings in that area seem to only exist to make safety razors look bad.