Never was that popular
COD and Fortnite are much bigger with the latter even making sports radio talk
The popularity spike was when MLG needed to fill in the Halo Reach spot due to that game’s lack of appeal
There’s not way you can say that game wasn’t ever popular. Maybe it’s never been the literal most popular, but it’s definitely had a life as a majorly popular game. Large streaming views, tons of players, etc. I have no idea how it’s doing now, but it definitely had a number of years of major popularity.
What? League is consistently the top result of twitch. Even accounting for other regions, league is by far one of the largest games people watch in na. Big na streamers pull in thousands of viewers (doublelift, tyler1 for example)
You can listen to Riot themselves
They aren’t bringing in new players, their playerbase is just getting older
Which explains why they’ve made it less mechanical demanding and more about positioning over the years