“We’ve got now three humans with Neuralinks implanted and they’re all working well,” Musk said
I thought the first one had more or less stopped working.
It did. Work well -> not officially dead yet
Wasn’t he in one of the demoed robots a few months back?
I can’t help but imagine a rotting body that the chip is just allowing to be remote controlled as they Weekend at Bernie’s it around PR events.
“They’re fine, see!”
I’m pretty sure the opposite is what’s true. The neural links degrade over time and the implant loses the ability to function.
Corporate-sponsored zombie apocalypse you say?
More like the plot to Tim Burton’s Batman Forever.
An army of cybernetic penguins?
That’s not true at all, that guy even wants a second one implanted for even more functionality, and he’s extremely happy with it.
a bunch of threads retracted but it still works, plus it seems they fixed that for future ones
edit: guys look i know elon musk bad but these are really the facts http://youtube.com/watch?v=Xlv4biIY6JI