So then what was the point of your initial comment? I said no one should model themselves after him. You replied that that was a harsh statement, but if you don’t think anyone should aspire to be like someone else what is the problem?
I don’t think he’s a shitty person. He doesn’t actively harm or exploit anyone just spergs out on the internet playing Vidya. If every Texan was an asmongold it would be a half decent state.
I think his larger message is his harm. I think his attitude is problematic as is his hygiene.
What do you even interpret his “larger message” to be?
Collecting videogame mounts? Reacting to other people’s YouTube videos?
His overt racism and sexism are a problem as are his anti-social norms regarding hygiene/sanitation etc
He definitely is a member of a subculture, I don’t watch much of his content but I appreciate the moderating effect he has on gamer culture in general. It would be easy for him to sell out to the right wing corporate media machine but he hasn’t.
There are so many people who are not just worse than him but intentionally pretending to be the worst person they can imagine for monetary gain.
He strikes me as a rather genuine person.
What moderating effect do you think he has?
He’s genuinely a shitty guy. The fact that worse people exist doesn’t make him more acceptable.
He acknowledges his own shortcomings and emphasizes self examination. He’s fairly anti corporate and generally follows his own values rather than the medias directions. To fairly dubious ends of course but there is still value in that.
I wouldn’t recommend modeling your life on the man. But any minute that someone is watching asmon they aren’t interacting with the right wing scamiverse that is hellbent on enslaving humanity and destroying the planet.
So I would call him a troll but I wouldn’t call him shitty.
How is he shitty, lol?
His racism is a good place to start.