I kinda hate this. What I’d really like is the option to turn it on or off. I live near an airport airspace boundary and it’s nice to have that wall keeping me from straying into airspace I’m not authorized for, but at the same time, sometimes the drone freezes and won’t come back, so it’d be great to be able to get full control back temporarily.
Their reasoning is to give responsibility back to the pilot. A responsible pilot might want that guard rail. Having it as an option only makes sense.
DJI probably wants to avoid lawsuits. I can imagine anyone caught flying in these zones can blame their software.
Yeah, and doesn’t want to pay people to maintain that feature. It makes sense for them. Still, that feature and their maps were awesome. I hope they don’t stop updating their maps that show the boundaries because IMHo they’re better than anything else, though I think they may not meet FAA requirements. All the FAA maps I’ve seen look so primitive and have seemingly contradictory information.
As a pilot…the real faa maps take training to read, but they are quite accurate. But maybe they publish something useless and contradictory for drone operators.
At the same time, I do other this to simply blocking all flight near airports.
Years ago I got clearance to fly for an event near an airport but the fucking drone refused to fly.