Is there a recommended, shiny RSS reader for Linux and Android? Which I want to try?
I have been pretty happy with Read You
I used feeder before that. Feeder is fine and may even have more options, but Read You has that perfect layout and text formatting…
I use Newsblur, it’s a web site and will fetch feeds even if my computer is offline.
I use feeder installed via Fdroid. It sends me notifications that send me straight to the content. I rarely have to actually open the app. No complaints!
+1 for feeder
I use Thunderbird and Read You
I use quiterss on my linux desktop. Its already in the repos on debian and works great for me. I have extremely minimalistic requirements tho, so might not be for you if you want a shiny UI. It has tagging, custom keyword filtering, folders, notifications. All i need.
I use NewsBoat on Linux, but it’s a terminal app and not for everybody. On Android I use CapyReader, and IMHO it’s quite nice.