AT&T pulls 5G home Internet from New York to protest state affordability law.
I’ve had many instances of micro-USB bending, some to the point of breakage. This never happened even once with USB-C.
Yep, every micro usb charging port I ever had eventually failed. And because the gender was opposite how lightning works you have to replace the port/device instead of just getting a new cable. It was horrid.
Very much the opposite. The only broken USB port I’ve ever had was a USB-C port for a netbook charger.
How? The netbook era ended way before USB-C is even a thing.
Sorry, old terminology strikes again. I call any thin portable computer without an ODD or FDD a netbook; because all the damn things are good for is getting on the Internet. My actual laptop, I’ve had to do physical modding to the case to give it an ODD (and it still uses a USB port because of laziness).